Understanding event logs involves grasping how smart contracts interact with the blockchain to record significant occurrences or "events" that occur during their execution. These events are captured in logs, which are part of the transaction receipt returned after a transaction is mined. They facilitate communication between smart contracts and their user interfaces.
In the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), there are five opcodes for emitting Ethereum event logs: LOG0, LOG1, LOG2, LOG3, and LOG4. Each of these logs in Ethereum consists of two components. The first is topics which are searchable, costly, and restricted to 32-byte(256 bit) “words” . However, data is non-searchable, cheap, and not restricted to any size limit; it can take more complex and more significant types.
Topics & Data in Ethereum Logs Explained Futher
Topics are used to index events, making it easier to filter and search for specific events. They serve as a way to categorize and identify the event types and their parameters.
For example, each event can have up to four topics. The first topic is always the event signature, which is a hash of the event name and its parameter types. The first topic is a 32-byte hash of the event signature. It is generated by applying the Keccak-256 hash function to the string representation of the event's name and its parameter types. For example, for an event.
Transfer (address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value) the event signature string would be "Transfer(address,address,uint256)". This hashed signature serves as a unique identifier for the event type.
The remaining three topics can be used to index up to three parameters of the event. These indexed parameters are placed in the second, third, and fourth topics. For example, if an event has an address indexed from, you can filter logs to find all events where a particular address is the sender.
Parameters that are not indexed are stored in the data portion of the event log.
These parameters are concatenated and stored in a single, non-indexed blob.
Consider the following Solidity event definition:
Topics are used to index events, making it easier to filter and search for specific events. They serve as a way to categorize and identify the event types and their parameters.
For example, each event can have up to four topics. The first topic is always the event signature, which is a hash of the event name and its parameter types. The first topic is a 32-byte hash of the event signature. It is generated by applying the Keccak-256 hash function to the string representation of the event's name and its parameter types. For example, for an event.
Transfer (address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value) the event signature string would be "Transfer(address,address,uint256)". This hashed signature serves as a unique identifier for the event type.
The remaining three topics can be used to index up to three parameters of the event. These indexed parameters are placed in the second, third, and fourth topics. For example, if an event has an address indexed from, you can filter logs to find all events where a particular address is the sender.
Parameters that are not indexed are stored in the data portion of the event log.
These parameters are concatenated and stored in a single, non-indexed blob.
Consider the following Solidity event definition:

When the Transfer event is emitted, it will generate a log with the following structure:
Address: The address of the contract emitting the event.
The event signature:
The from address (indexed parameter)
The to address (indexed parameter)
Data: The value (non-indexed parameter)
The Data Portion
The data portion of Ethereum event logs plays a crucial role in storing non-indexed information. It is encoded using ABI encoding rules and can contain various types of data. Unlike topics, which are limited to a fixed number and used for quick filtering, the data section can contain a larger amount of information. The data in event logs is encoded using the Ethereum ABI (Application Binary Interface) encoding rules. The parameters are concatenated into a single byte array in the order they are declared in the event.
Consider the example below:

Suppose the Transfer event was emitted with the values: value = 1000 and message = "Hello, Ethereum!".
The data field would be a concatenation of the encoded value and message parameters.