
ecrecover & Unexpected null address error

In Solidity, the ecrecover function is a built-in cryptographic method essential for retrieving the signer's address from a message signed using their private key.

This function plays a crucial role in smart contracts for verifying the authenticity of user messages. By recovering the signer's public key from a digital signature, ecrecover ensures that a message indeed originates from the purported signer.

The ecrecover function is employed to verify that a message has been signed by the holder of a particular address. This is vital in scenarios where smart contracts need to authenticate the sender of a message or transaction. For instance, validating user actions on a DApp without requiring direct interaction with the private key.

Here is a basic usage example of the ecrecover function in a contract:

In this example, getSignerAddress takes a message hash and a signature, then extracts the r, s, and v components of the signature using inline assembly. Finally, it uses ecrecover to obtain the address that signed the message.

Common Error With ecrecover

One common error encountered with the ecrecover function is the "Unexpected ecrecover null address." This error typically arises when the function fails to recover a valid address from the provided parameters. The reasons for this failure can include:

Incorrect Signature: If the signature provided to ecrecover is invalid or does not match the expected message, the function cannot recover the correct address. This can happen due to incorrect signing of the message or tampering with the signature data.

Contract State Issues: The state of the contract or the data used by ecrecover might not be in the expected state. For example, if the message hash is derived from incorrect or outdated data, the recovered address will be invalid.

Malformed Input: The parameters passed to the ecrecover function must be correctly formatted. Malformed input, such as an improperly constructed message hash or invalid signature components (v, r, s), will lead to a null address.

They typically follow the format defined in Ethereum's signature scheme:

v: Recovery id (usually 27 or 28)

r: First 32 bytes of the signature

s: Second 32 bytes of the signature

Advanced Usage

Off-chain Message Signing

In many decentralized applications, messages are signed off-chain to reduce gas costs. The signed messages are then sent to the smart contract for verification. This approach requires careful handling of the message formatting and hashing to ensure consistency.

Combining with Meta-Transactions

ecrecover can be combined with meta-transactions to allow users to interact with a contract without directly paying gas fees. Instead, a relayer submits the transaction on behalf of the user, who signs the message off-chain.