
How Decentralized Order Book Works

A decentralized order book is a type of trading mechanism in defi platforms that records and matches buy and sell orders for various assets without relying on a central authority or intermediary. Unlike traditional centralized exchanges, where a single entity maintains control over the order book and trade execution, a decentralized order book operates on blockchain technology, ensuring transparency, security, and trustlessness.

Early decentralized order book implementations suffered from the scalability limitations of their underlying blockchains. Transaction throughput was constrained by the block time and size limitations, which meant that the number of transactions processed per second (TPS) was relatively low. This bottleneck resulted in slower order processing and higher transaction costs, particularly during peak usage times. Such limitations made it difficult for decentralized order books to compete with the speed and efficiency of centralized exchanges.

However, the development and integration of scalability solutions such as Zero-Knowledge Rollups (ZK Rollups) and Optimistic Rollups have significantly improved the performance of decentralized order books.

While AMMs have revolutionized decentralized trading by providing liquidity pools and facilitating token swaps, they fall short in implementing advanced order book features such as limit orders, bids, and offers. They also have inherent liquidity issues. Liquidity providers in AMMs face risks such as impermanent loss, and the liquidity is often concentrated in a few pools, leading to inefficiencies and higher slippage for traders. Decentralized order books can enhance liquidity by aggregating orders from a broader user base and matching them directly, thereby improving price discovery and reducing slippage. Moreover, advancements such as liquidity mining and cross-chain interoperability can further bolster liquidity in decentralized order books, making them more competitive with their centralized counterparts.

How does a Decentralized Order Book Work

They use smart contracts to handle the submission, matching, and settlement of trades automatically, ensuring transparency and security. Users submit orders through a decentralized interface, and these orders are managed by a smart contract-based matching engine that executes trades when matching orders are found. This process, recorded on the blockchain, ensures that all transactions are transparent and users retain control over their assets, mitigating risks associated with centralized exchanges.

Here are some common terms associated with DEX Orderbooks.

Bid-Ask Spread: The bid-ask spread refers to the difference between the highest price that buyers are willing to pay for an asset (bid price) and the lowest price that sellers are willing to accept (ask price). This spread is a critical measure of market liquidity and trading activity within the DEX. A narrower bid-ask spread typically indicates higher liquidity and more active trading, whereas a wider spread may signal lower liquidity and less trading activity.

Limit Order: is a directive to buy or sell assets at a specific price or more favorable terms. This type of order enables traders to determine the highest price they are prepared to pay when buying or the lowest price they are willing to accept when selling, offering greater precision and control over how their trades are executed.

Market Order: A market order on a decentralized exchange (DEX) is set to instantly buy or sell an asset at the best currently available price listed in the order book. This type of order emphasizes quick execution rather than achieving a specific price, ensuring the trade happens as swiftly as possible, akin to the process on centralized exchanges.

Order Book Liquidity: Liquidity on a DEX refers to the availability of sufficient buy and sell orders in the order book, enabling smooth trading without significant price impact. Higher liquidity means a narrower bid-ask spread and less slippage, facilitating more efficient trading.

Slippage: Slippage occurs in DEXs when an order is filled at a different price than expected due to volatility or insufficient liquidity in the order book. This is a common issue in less liquid markets and can be exacerbated by the decentralized nature of some platforms.

Top of the Order Book: On a DEX, the top of the order book indeed shows the highest bid-price and the lowest ask-price. These prices represent the best immediate trading opportunities available to traders, allowing them to see the most competitive prices at which they can buy or sell an asset.

Stop Loss: While the implementation of stop loss orders on DEXs can vary, the concept is generally applicable. A stop-loss order on a DEX is designed to automatically sell assets when its price reaches a predetermined level.

Take Profit: Similarly, a take profit order on a DEX specifies the price at which to sell an asset to lock in profits. When the market price reaches the predefined level, the order executes, allowing the trader to secure gains.